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Our Adult Writers Circles are the heart of our workshops. They're where The Writers Circle began. We provide a supportive environment where writers work freely on various forms and genres, exploring projects developed in class or on their own. Craft issues like structure, point-of-view, character development, pace, and style are addressed, as is the ever-changing publishing marketplace. With great respect for each writer, our workshops take on a life of their own as writers learn to trust each other for ongoing critique and inspiration as they move toward completion of work and eventual publication.
This is a VIRTUAL workshop.
Your Zoom link will be sent via email approximately one week prior to the start of the class.
07/10/2023, 07/17/2023, 07/24/2023, 07/31/2023, 08/07/2023
Participants must currently be 19 years or older.
Minimum: 4
Maximum: 12
Registration starts on 04/22/2023 and ends on 07/24/2023.
Please contact The Writers Circle if you have any questions.