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Romance novels are currently the most profitable corner of the publishing industry. Thanks to Netflix’s Bridgerton, new audiences are discovering—and penning—this most comforting of literary genres. In this introductory class for new romance writers and writers who want to incorporate romantic elements in their fiction, we’ll cover the ingredients of a successful romance novel: plot structure, tropes, reader expectations, and “sizzle” levels. We’ll also read and discuss passages from romance novels to gain Fan overview of the genre, explore the fascinating ways recent books mirror cultural advances for women, and look at paths to publication. Generative writing prompts get you started writing your own romance and we’ll share excerpts in class for gentle, supportive feedback.
This is a VIRTUAL workshop.
Your Zoom link will be sent via email approximately one week prior to the start of the class.
07/09/2024, 07/16/2024, 07/23/2024, 07/30/2024
Participants must currently be 19 years or older.
Minimum: 6
Maximum: 12
Registration starts on 04/16/2024 and ends on 07/16/2024.
Please contact The Writers Circle if you have any questions.