Mining the Journal - SUMMER SATURDAY SPECIAL: Montclair

  • Creative Writing
St. Luke's Episcopal Church: 73 S Fullerton Ave, Montclair, NJ 07042, USA
Jun 27 2020
Instructor: Debra Galant
  1. Sun 
  2. Mon 
  3. Tue 
  4. Wed 
  5. Thu 
  6. Fri 
  7. Sat1:00 - 4:00 pm (EST)


Anais Nin, probably our most well-known literary diarist, said "We write
to taste life twice, in the moment and in retrospect." Whether you call
it a diary, a journal, or as Julia Cameron calls it in The Artists Way,
"morning pages," the journal is an indispensable creative practice. For
new journal writers, this class help you set up a journal-writing
discipline. For those with dozens of journals lying around, we'll mine
them for ongoing themes, surprising historical details, and new project
ideas. Writing prompts, of course. Also up for discussion: keep or burn?

Class dates



Participants must currently be 19 years or older.

Program enrollment capacity

Minimum: 4

Maximum: 15

Registration period

Registration starts on 03/06/2020.

In-person location

St. Luke's Episcopal Church: 73 S Fullerton Ave, Montclair, NJ 07042, USA
Program is frozen.