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A writer's day at TWC's Summer Intensive:*
9:00-9:20 - Writing Warm-ups (Physical, literary, and creative)
9:20-10:50 - Genre #1 workshop with a published author
10:50-11:00 - Quick break
11:00-12:30 - Genre #2 workshop with a published author
12:30-1:00 - Brown bag lunch, plus time to move and socialize
1:00-2:00 - Free writing and editorial conferences with published authors
2:00-3:15 - Group literary activities, special guests, etc., plus Friday afternoon reading
3:15-3:30 - Pack-up and pick-up
*Schedule based on in-person attendance. Subject to change.
All teens, rising 8th grade and up, are welcome to join the Summer Intensives.